Opportunities and Needs

GMP has opportunities for volunteer physicians, dentists, surgeons, translators and pastors as well as non-medical helpers to participate in international missions.

Be Partners With Us
GMP is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit Oklahoma corporation. As with any charitable foundation, donors' gifts must always go to their intended and specified uses. While we receive gifts to support the missions of GMP, we are not soliciting from this site.

  • Please let us know how you wish to partner with GMP. You may feel led to join a project, to send someone on a project, support our various mission fields, and of course, pray for those we serve. You may send your inquiries to: bryan[email protected]

"For... I was sick and you took care of me." Matthew 25: 36










Global Mission Partners, Inc
Bryan L. Frank, M.D. - President
P.O. Box 851952
Yukon, OK 73085-1952
TEL: 405-623-7667
Email: [email protected]